History is the source of fascination for many people as one can see how events from so long ago have shaped and still affects the society that we live in today. In Historical accounts, we are presented with fun facts and amazing firsts. History also never forgets the extremes like the bests and worsts of human civilization. It is definitely a thing of beauty and worthy of study and appreciation.
Table of Contents
This trivia is for history enthusiasts, self-declared history nerds, and even regular member of our society who have a penchant for things in the past.
In celebration of history’s importance, here is a history trivia for us to marvel in past glory:
American History
Just like its flag, American History is beaming with stars and proud moments. Among other things, interesting facts about US presidents are not in short supply.
- What sport’s hall of fame enshrined Abraham Lincoln for having a stellar record of just one loss?
- How many stars does the American Flag have?
- How many Stripes does the United States of America’ flag have?
- What state was the last state to overturn laws against interracial marriage in the year 2000?
- Which Founding Father had a house which was discovered to have had about one thousand two hundred bone pieces from about ten human skeletons?
- Which US president served the shortest term of about two months because of dying from a cold?
- Who preceded Ronald Raegan’s presidency in the United States of America?
- Which United States of America Armed Force did John Fitzgerald Kennedy serve in?
- The first president of the United States of America is?
- On what date was the Declaration of Independence signed?
World History
Each country has a rich history worthy of our fascination. What is even more interesting is the intertwined histories of all these countries. Indeed, the world is a community and the decisions of the past shaped the world we have today. From fun facts and shocking events, world history is sure to entice your minds.
- Ever since World War Two, what beverage’s equipment is furnished in British battle tanks?
- When Pope Gregory IX rose to power, what domestic animal did he order to exterminate across Europe in the belief that they were used in devil’s worship and witch craft?
- What health problem bothered Elvis Presley throughout his lifetime which eventually related to his death
- What was the initial reported cause of death for Elvis Presley that spread in the media?
- The Shortest war in human civilization history was between England and Zanzibar. How many hours did it last?
- Which Asian country had seven of the ten deadliest wars in human history some even deadlier than world war one?
- What famous children’s party game that doesn’t involve balls was an Olympic event from 1900-1920
- Victorians said this word before having their picture taken instead of the word “cheese”. What fruit did they say?
- What natural human bodily fluid did Romans use as mouth wash because of the presence of ammonia in it?
- What year was the defeat of the Americans in the Vietnamese City or commonly referred to as the fall of Saigon during the Vietnam War?
- Which actor top-billed the 1960’s television series Batman?
- Which Century did the French Revolution take place?
- On what year did the Ford Model T enter production?
- What empire did the country Turkey belong to during the First World War?
- In USSR, What does the letter “R” sand for?
- Who was the leader of the people who killed the First circumnavigator, Ferdinand Magellan, when they went to at Mactan Island Philippines?
- James Cook led and commanded what ship when he discovered Australia?
- In what year was Mahatma Gandhi killed?
- The catastrophic destruction of Pompei in 79 AD. was done by which active volcano?
- The citadel Machu Picchu is located at which Latin American Country?
- Who is the Greek God of the Underworld?
- The name of Beatle’s debut album is?
- In 1593, the thermometer was invented, which inventor is connected to its invention?
- He Led USSR from 1917 to 1922?
- “The Whitechapel Murderer” is the nickname given to which serial killer?
- The construction of the historical and divisive Berlin wall began on what year?
- This question can be answered by true of False. Demeter is the Greek goddess of the hunting.
- The battle of Agincourt of 1415 between England and France belonged to what war?
- Who was the captain of the vessel Titanic at the time of its sinking?
- The devastating Great fire of London happened on which year?
- The modern name for Van Diem’s land which is now an island part of the territory of Australia is?
- In Greek Mythology, who was responsible for the abduction of Persephone which led to the four seasons of the Earth?
- Who is the first man to do a spacewalk that lasted twelve minutes?
- What is the nationality of Alexey Leonov, the first man to spacewalk?
- How many people have already walked on the moon?
- The attack on Pearl Harbor fell on what month?
- Athena is the Greek goddess of?
- Which World War does the attack on Pearl Harbor a part of?
- How many years ago was the Stonehenge built?
- What was the name of the Greek Goddess of Love?
- Rubber was discovered by?
- Who was the leader of the Vikings when they founded the settlement in Greenland?
- Who was the first man on the moon?
- What is Neil Armstrong’s Nationality?
- What is the name of the Roman God of fire and blacksmiths?
- During World War two, Winston Churchill held an important government post. What was his title or job?
- The Nobel Peace Prize was first organized and started by?
- The Plays Macbeth, Hamlet, and A midsummer Night’s Dream were all written by which author?
- Who was the Emperor of the Huns during four hundred AD?
- Henry the Eighth had how many wives?
- The invention of the telephone is credited to which inventor?
- The Olympic Games originated from which country?
- According to a Greek myth, what did Prometheus steal to give to humans?
- What is Thomas Edison’s most famous invention?
- The Iconic and Historical Speech, “I Have a Dream” was delivered by?
- Which Japanese City was the first place to be attacked by an Atomic Bomb?
- Aside From Hiroshima, which city was also destroyed by an atomic bomb?
- What was the name of the leader of the Nazi Party?
- Which Asian country is the first in the world to used paper money or paper bills?
- The United State of America’s Statue of Liberty was a gift from which European Country?
- This ancient king had a round table.
- This question can be answered by true of False. The Titanic sunk because of engine failure.
Women’s History
The freedom and rights women are enjoying today are achieved by these brave and trailblazing women. Little girls and women alike are sure to be inspired by these amazing women of the past.
- In 1916, who was the first female to be elected to the US Congress?
- Who was the first black senator in the United States of America?
- Who is the founder of the First Nations Development Institute?
- Who holds the record for the fastest woman on water skis?
- One of Show business most iconic entertainers, Josephine Baker, served what post for the Allied Forces?
- This woman’s refusal to give up her bus seat on the way home sparked national civil rights protests against segregation policies. What is the name of this brave woman?
- What is the name of the first female Hispanic astronaut?
- In what industry did the first African American woman millionaire venture in?
- Elizabeth the Second was crowned as the queen during what year?
- Whom did Cleopatra marry after the end of her relationship with Julius Caesar?
- Who was the founder of the Red Cross?
- Henry the Eighth had multiple wives. Which gave birth to Elizabeth the First?
- What is the name of the first woman to practice at the Supreme Court?
- What is the name of the first woman to receive a PHD at MIT?
- How did Joan of Arc die?
- What is the name of the first female to break the sound barrier?
- What is the name of the founder of the Association for the Advancement of Women?
- Who is the first Asian woman to win a Tony award?
- What musical did Lea Salonga Star in when she won the prestigious musical theater award?
Art History
They say that art is imitation of life itself. This is why if we truly want to have a deeper understanding of history and the way of life back then, we have to study art history. This collection of questions is a treat in itself. This is truly a creative way to glance at the past.
- How many words does Pablo Picasso’s real name have?
- A portrait of Queen Elizabeth the Second made by Andy Brown was made from what material?
- This Question can be answered by true of false; Water Color does not use the color white.
- Van Gogh sold how many paintings during his lifetime?
- The Glass Pyramid at Lourve was made by which architect?
- Which city is credited as the origin or birth place of pop art?
- The Mona Lisa has been stolen how many times?
- Surrealism originated from which artist’s painting style?
- This Question can be answered by true of false; Edward Allington created the concrete cast of the interior of an entire Victorian house.
- The Behaus School of Design closed in what year?
- What was Michael Angelo’s favorite rock as the medium for his sculptures?
- What is the famous nickname of Marvel Comics artist Jack Kirby?
- What is the length of the original shark used in Damian Heart’s work, “The Physical Impossibility of Death in the Mind of Someone living”?
- The statement, “Art is anything you can get away with is a line said by?
- This Question can be answered by true of false, Dada is considered to be anti-art.
- “The Conversion of Saint Paul”, was painted by which artist?
- What do you call the drawing technique of putting lines close to each other?
- The “Repast of the Lion”, is considered to be what art style?
- In Charles Schulz’s famous peanuts strip, what is the name of Charlie Brown’s dog?
- What is the breed of Snoopy in the highly successful comic strip?
- This Question can be answered by true of false; Durer Painted, “The Fall of Man”.