Sometimes our relationship with someone else needs a boost of some kind. We desire a closer connection – a way to know the other person intimately. Talking about things that mean a great deal to us or that have influenced our lives significantly provides a special bond. Our deep conversation topics give you a springboard for building relationships that have that something extra we all crave.

Deep Conversation Topics for Dating Couples

Deep Conversation Topics for Dating Couples

Although you probably should not use these deep conversation starters for a first date, they work well to find out more about a person. The answers can reveal some hidden facts and lead to a deeper relationship. Pick carefully, however, as some may mean the end of a beautiful relationship.

  • Talk about a significant event that caused a positive change in you as a person.
  • Talk about your future; how you picture your life in five years and in ten.
  • Who is your hero and what qualities make them your choice?
  • Tell about a time when someone showed you kindness or compassion. Tell about a time when you showed compassion or kindness to someone else.
  • If you won the lottery, what is the first thing you would buy? Why?
  • Find similarities and differences. Discuss them.
  • What makes you excited? What was the last exciting experience you had?
  • What is your favorite item of clothing and why is it your favorite?
  • What values are important in your life? Were they imparted to you by your parents? If not, from where did they come?
  • What kind of date do you consider romantic? Plan a romantic date night together.
  • What scares you the most? Has what you are afraid of changed since you were a child?
  • Discuss your first impression of each other and whether it was accurate.
  • Has your relationship changed since you began dating? Give some examples to support your answer.
  • What would cause you to end a relationship? Would you be able to forgive and forget and renew the relationship?
  • Have you ever had a very bad nightmare? What was it about?
  • When and where do you feel most like your real self? Why?
  • Which celebrity is your favorite? What do you find attractive about them?
  • What characteristics do you think are necessary for a strong relationship? Do you possess these characteristics?
  • What controversial issue – social or political – do you feel strongly about? Why?
  • What was your favorite book as a child? Why was it your favorite?
  • What was your favorite movie as a child? Do you still enjoy seeing it? How many times have you seen it?
  • If you could go back to your childhood, what advice would you like to have from your adult self?
  • Share a secret about yourself.
  • What would you do on a “perfect” day? Would you want to do something with someone else or be alone?
  • What is one thing that scares you the most? Why?
  • If you could be any character in a book or movie, who would you be? Why?
  • Describe your biggest regret?
  • What did you dream of being when you were a child? Have you managed to achieve any of your dreams?
  • What is your dream job and do you believe you will ever succeed at having it?
  • How many siblings do you have and are they older or younger? How is your relationship with them?
  • Tell about a time when someone hurt or betrayed you and how the experience has affected your adult life.
  • Tell about your most difficult challenge thus far in your life. Were you able to overcome and what did you learn?

Deep Conversation Topics for Married Couples

Deep Conversation Topics for Married Couples

After a couple has been married for a while, intimacy can be lost. Our deep conversation topics for married couples increase connectivity and closeness. We have questions about dreams, goals, raising children, and how to improve sexual relationships.

  • Is there something that you would like to change about yourself? How can you achieve a change?
  • Is there something your spouse would like you to change? Are you willing to make this change?
  • Share a sexual fantasy and propose trying it out.
  • Talk about what you and your spouse enjoy most in the bedroom.
  • Do you and your spouse have the same opinion about if the glass is half empty or half full? What changes can you make to make your life more fulfilling?
  • Discuss your dream vacation and create a plan to make it happen.
  • What are the strongest and weakest parts of your relationship? How can you make the weak parts stronger?
  • Why are you and your spouse compatible? Discuss similarities and differences.
  • How do you and your spouse handle disagreements? Do you think you can improve in this area? How?
  • Talk about an obstacle you have faced and how you conquered it.
  • Discuss what you need to “let go,” and how you can do so.
  • Discuss what motivates you in life as individuals and as a couple.
  • Write down five things you love the most about your spouse. Take a minute to guess what is on the other spouse’s list.
  • What makes you feel the happiest and the most fulfilled?
  • What fears do you have?
  • What talents and skills to you have?
  • What are your weaknesses?
  • If your family and friends were asked to describe you, who would provide the most accurate description? What do you think they would say?
  • If you have children, how good a job do you think you are doing raising them?
  • If you were describing your spouse to someone, what would you say?
  • Share a secret with your spouse. What do you think about couples keeping secrets from each other?
  • Tell your spouse how they make you a better person and thank them.
  • Take time to create a bucket list together.
  • To ask your wife: What things around the house need repairing or replacing? To ask your husband:  Are there things around the home that need to be cleaned?
  • To ask your wife: With what chores and home responsibilities would you me like help? To ask your husband:  What can I do to make it easier for you to lead the family?
  • When do you need assurance of my love the most and how can I show that love?
  • What concerns and interests do you have in which I do not seem interested?
  • What things make you sad as a parent and as a spouse?
  • Discuss what each of you places first in your lives. Be completely honest.
  • When you are worried or hurt, what can your spouse do to provide comfort and encouragement?
  • Ask each other what personal habits you have that each of you would like changed.
  • In what ways do I show you that you are a very important person to me?
  • Tell me five things that you enjoy doing with me, with the most enjoyable first.
  • What can I do to show that I appreciate you?

Deep Conversation Topics for Teens

Deep Conversation Topics for Teens

Teens frequently are leery of forming personal attachments quickly. Our deep conversation topics for teens work best with a group who know each other well. They can also be used by teens in a relationship for a while and want to find out more about someone. Use them for teen devotionals, at the end of camp sessions – anytime you want teens to get closer and share what is important to them.

  • If you had the opportunity to travel anywhere in the world, where would you go? Give a reason for your choice.
  • What is your major goal in life?
  • What do you think you will be doing ten years from now?
  • If you got a tattoo, what would it be? Why is that your choice?
  • Do you think adults deserve respect? Do you think teenagers do?
  • If you could do so, how would you change the world?
  • Is it ever okay to lie? If it is, when and in what kind of situations?
  • Whom do you respect? Why?
  • What do you think are the five most important traits for a person to have?
  • What are three things for which you are grateful?
  • What is a regret you have?
  • What is the most adventurous thing you have ever done?
  • What is the furthest you have ever traveled from your home? Where did you go and how long did you stay there?
  • Do you like school? Why or why not?
  • What are two things you like about yourself?
  • In what situation(s) do you become discouraged?
  • Who is the most important person in your life? How can you enhance your relationship with this person?
  • Who had a profound influence on you as a child? Was the influence positive or negative?
  • If you died today, is there something you would regret not doing or something you would regret not saying?
  • What so you find is the hardest thing for you to do?
  • Have you ever written poetry, a story, or painted a picture? If so, what about?
  • Name four qualities you want your friends to have.
  • If you only had one month to live, how would you spend your time? With whom?
  • What one possession do you cherish the most? Why?
  • If you could have a super-power, which one would you choose and why?
  • If you could live at any time in history and experience any event, when would you choose?
  • Where have you lived, for how long, and how old were you when you moved from each place? Which was your favorite?
  • Who is someone you admire and/or respect? Why?
  • If you had a theme song, what would it be? Why?
  • What would you like people to say about you after you die?
  • If you could have any car you desired, which one would you choose?
  • If you could improve the world by doing one thing, what would you choose to do?
  • Have you ever had the opportunity to help someone? Tell about your experience.
  • What is the best thing that ever happened to you?
  • Tell about something that made you laugh recently.
  • If you could go on a trip anywhere in the world with anyone, where would you go and whom would you take?
  • What is the biggest struggle you have faced (or are facing) in your life?
  • What is the most frightening thing you have ever done?
  • What are your greatest weaknesses? Your greatest strengths?
  • How many siblings do you have, and what are their ages? Are you close to them?
  • What is a personal tragedy you have overcome? How did the experience change you?

Fun Deep Conversation Topics

Fun Deep Conversation Topics

When you get together with friends, sometimes you want to do more than just gossip or dance. These fun deep conversation topics will help you learn more about each other, stimulate some awesomely deep conversations, and even generate laughter.

  • What do you think the world will be like in twenty-five years?
  • Is there life on other planets? What is the reason for your opinion?
  • Without using the names of people, discuss “the ideal” President or other world leader.
  • Talk about what the one thing is that you cannot live without.
  • What is the weirdest thing you have ever eaten? Where and when did you eat it?
  • What awards or prizes have you won? What was the reason you won them?
  • Have you ever had the opportunity to meet anyone famous? Did you get their autograph?
  • If you could invite one person over for dinner, who would it be?
  • Share something that makes you laugh – a joke, story, or saying.
  • If you won a million dollars, what would you do?
  • What us the most dangerous thing you have ever done?
  • If you left alone in the wilderness and could have only one item, what would it be?
  • If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live?

Deep conversation topics can help dating and married couples build a deeper relationship. They can help friends, coworkers, and families increase their knowledge of and respect for each other. Not only is thinking stimulated, but also many of our deep conversation topics are fun. Start today to know those you care about in a new and more special way.